point I had tried to make it on my own.’ I was determined that when I was their age, I would not have this same regret.” When asked, “Well, why don’t you start your own business?” people most often give reasons related to money. People stay at their jobs because they’re worried about not being able to meet existing financial commitments. They believe that they don’t have the financial resources required to successfully start their own businesses. These are certainly important and valid issues, but they no longer have to be the driving force in business life. Today, the conventional wisdom about how to start a substantial business is just plain wrong. Now, you don’t need to raise a lot of money first, you don’t need a team of employees, and you don’t need limitless financial resources. This book details how in today’s business environment it is easier, and more possible, than ever to build a significant business on your own with no employees. An important related issue is the perception of extraordinary high risk generally associated with starting your own venture. In all likelihood, almost all of the 56% of Americans (you or the person sitting next to you) who would like to be their own boss are aware of the high failure rate often cited for start-ups. The generally accepted rule of thumb is that 40% of new businesses die within the first year, and that over 80% of start-ups fail within the first five years. With widely reported odds like that, it’s no wonder that people with ongoing financial responsibilities stay put. This book, however, is also about how to dramatically limit the risk of failure associated with any new venture. You can substantially limit that risk. You can both avoid the mistakes that frequently lead to rapid business destruction and learn the steps that successful entrepreneurs take to avoid failures. You can never completely eliminate risk. Indeed, life is filled with different kinds of risks. The first time we cross the street alone as youngsters, we’re taught to limit the risk of being hit by a car by looking both ways before we start out. Starting a business

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GO IT ALONE! Copyright 2004 by Bruce Judson. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.